Indecent Danger (Danger Incorporated Book 3) Page 7
“I think she was afraid. God only knows what Bruce threatened her with. At least now she can move on with her life.” Martin leaned forward, his fingers steepled together. “If the offer to send her to the ranch is still open, Travis, I’d love to take you up on it. After the funeral, of course. This is going to be a circus and I want to protect her as much as possible from it.”
“I’ll help in any way I can,” Travis assured his friend. “She’s always welcome. You and Alana too, for that matter.”
“We’re fine. We can weather all the media bullshit. But Caroline has always been sort of fragile. I don’t want her dragged through the mud by the newspapers. After everything she’s been through she doesn’t deserve that.”
“I’ll call Mom and Dad and make the arrangements. When and where is the service?”
“New York. We’ll keep it as small and quiet as we can. As for when, I’m not sure. That detective doesn’t want us leaving until he’s sure that we’re cleared.” Martin grimaced as he took another sip of coffee. “I didn’t like Bruce but I didn’t kill him. That would have been too good for him. I wanted him behind bars being punished for what he’s done.”
Travis had to ask a delicate question, and it was probably best just to get it out rather than beat around the bush.
“Did you have a chance to talk to Bruce about the insider trading?”
Martin pushed his chair back from the table, a scowl crossing his face. “I did. He denied it all, of course. I told him he had the weekend to think about it, but on Monday if he didn’t turn himself in then I was going to do it for him.”
Travis rubbed his chin and quirked an eyebrow. “I can’t imagine that went over well.”
“It didn’t,” Martin agreed easily. “He stomped around and threw back a few whiskeys before heading back to the party. Last I saw him he was talking with Tom.”
Tom Lovell had been a long-time friend and business partner of Bruce’s, in addition to being a good friend to Martin. From what Travis had observed Tom was blind to Bruce’s faults and had a bad case of hero worship.
“What time was that?”
Martin shrugged. “I don’t know, maybe ten o’clock. You sound like that detective, Travis. Surely you don’t think–”
“No way.” Travis waved off the question before Martin could even ask it. “I’ve known you for years and I know that you wouldn’t do something like this. I’m just trying to get an idea of the last few hours of Bruce’s life. Who he talked to. What he did.”
“Why? What interest do you have in all of this?”
Travis exchanged a glance with Shane before continuing. “The police questioned Aubrey last night. She and Bruce had an altercation that was witnessed by some of the party guests. He made a pass at her and she let him know his attentions were unwelcome.”
“I wish I could say that I’m surprised but I’m not,” Martin said dryly, refilling his coffee cup. “I hope your girl is all right. He didn’t hurt her, did he?”
“She’s fine but scared. That detective didn’t go easy on her. I just want to make sure that he realizes there are more than enough suspects to go around and he doesn’t have to concentrate on her.”
“Bruce didn’t have many friends. At least ones that weren’t with him for what he could buy. I still believe it was his bookie. Bruce owed them a lot of money.”
“So what happens to all of his debts now? Will they come after you or worse, Caroline?”
His brows flying up in surprise, Martin was speechless for a moment. “I didn’t even think about that. I just assumed if they killed him… Well, that this would all be over. You don’t think they’d come after Caroline, do you?”
“They might,” Shane conceded, sitting up straighter in his chair. “If they want the money owed to them, and they think you have it, they might contact you or your family. To my thinking, what you really need to be worried about is if they aren’t the ones that murdered Bruce.”
“Why is that? What makes that more worrisome?”
Shane didn’t answer for a moment. “Because that may mean that Bruce was killed for a different reason, more personal reasons. And the more personal they are, the closer to home the killer is. If his bookie didn’t do it then his friends or family did.” Shane twirled the butter knife in his hand. “A knife is an up close and personal weapon, Martin. Whoever did this was someone who knew Bruce and knew him well. This wasn’t a stranger murder. I guess what I’m trying to say is that you know the killer. They’re someone close to you. That’s just my guess.”
Martin sat back in his chair, the blood drained from his face. “It can’t be any of my friends and family. It can’t be.”
“I hope that’s the case.” Travis stood and walked to the railing to look out over the water. “But Shane has a point. If it’s not his bookie, then who was Bruce closest to these last few years? Who did he spend the most time with?”
Martin’s lips twisted in a pained smile. “That would be Iris. Iris Perry. His girlfriend. He flaunted his relationship with that woman for all to see.”
“Is she in New York?”
Travis couldn’t leave Aubrey here by herself to face Prather and she wasn’t yet free to leave. But in the meantime, Iris could be booking a one way ticket to Rio, never to be seen again.
“She’s right here in the resort,” Martin replied bitterly. “Bruce didn’t even have the decency to leave her at home for my birthday celebration.”
Travis knew exactly who they needed to talk to next.
Chapter Twelve
“Geez, little sister, you go away for one weekend with tall, dark, and handsome and now you’re wanted for a crime. You should never have left Montana. Should West and I fly out?”
Gigi’s tone was filled with worry and Aubrey felt guilty that her sister had to take time out of planning her wedding to call during what was supposed to be a romantic weekend away.
A mini-vacation that had turned into a nightmare.
“No, you don’t need to fly down here. I’m not actually wanted for a crime but I can’t argue that it might have been smarter to stay in Montana,” Aubrey agreed with a groan. “I knew this trip wouldn’t be easy, what with all his wealthy friends, and don’t forget the women that are constantly throwing themselves at him, but I never thought I’d actually see someone from my past.”
Aubrey had reluctantly, and haltingly, told Gigi the entire story, including the promiscuous nature of her own behavior in high school.
“He sounds like a real dick.” Gigi had a special way of summing things up. “And you have nothing to be ashamed of. It’s okay for women to enjoy sex, you know. Hell, when West and I do it it’s like time stops and the earth opens up or something. Anyway, it’s fucking great. I bet Travis is as hot between the sheets as West is. There’s something about these Anderson men.”
As much as Aubrey loved her sister and thought West was a terrific guy, she could do without the sexual details of their intimate lives. Aubrey had very carefully not said a whole lot about her own, but something inside was pressing her to confide in someone who cared.
“I wouldn’t know.”
There. She’d said it.
“What? What wouldn’t you know?” Gigi sounded confused and Aubrey didn’t blame her.
“I wouldn’t know if Travis is hot between the sheets. We…we haven’t slept together. Yet, I mean.”
The silence almost went on so long Aubrey thought the line on her cell phone had dropped.
“You haven’t slept with Travis?” Gigi sucked in a breath. “Honey, he’s hotter than a firecracker in July. What are you waiting for?”
“I–I just haven’t yet. I didn’t want to rush into it.”
Wow, that sounded stupid. Even Aubrey didn’t believe a word that was coming out of her mouth.
“Oh. Well, that’s okay. I probably should have waited longer with West but I just couldn’t help myself. You’re a stronger woman than I am.” Neith
er sister said a word. “You are attracted to Travis, aren’t you, sis? I mean…does he treat you okay?”
Aubrey had been pacing the floor of her bedroom but now she fell back against the bed pillows with a noisy sigh. “He treats me like a princess, and yes, he’s sexy. And gorgeous. It’s just that…”
Saying it out loud made it more real, although she’d been living it so it didn’t get much more real than that.
“Just what?” Gigi prompted. “You know you can tell me anything, right? Did someone hurt you, sis?”
“No one hurt me.” Aubrey rubbed her temples, a headache beginning to bloom after all the crap that had happened in the last twenty-four hours. “It’s just that I haven’t had sex since I was seventeen and I’m nervous.”
That last sentence had rushed out at lightning speed, the words running together. Luckily Gigi didn’t need anything repeated.
“Seventeen? Holy crap on a cracker, girl, seventeen? Why? I mean, well, yeah—let’s start there. Why? Not that there’s anything wrong with it. I mean, I can respect your choices and everything. Aww shit, I’ve messed this up, haven’t I? What I’m trying to say is that it’s okay if you’re not into it. You don’t have to be and you don’t owe anyone any explanations. I support you in whatever you choose.”
Aubrey rested her head in her hand, humiliation turning her cheeks hot despite her sister being a thousand miles away and unable to see her. “Thank you. I appreciate that. I’m not sure I really chose this route or it chose me. It’s hard to explain. Honestly I’m not sure I can.”
But Gigi simply waited patiently, not saying a word, letting Aubrey gather her scattered and very embarrassed thoughts until she had an idea of how to describe all the conflicting emotions inside.
“I’m very attracted to Travis and I do want to go to bed with him.”
It was the understatement of the century. She was dying to sleep with him.
“You don’t have to. I know I may have sounded like I was pushing you but I swear I’m not. I don’t want you to feel pressured to do something you don’t want to do.”
“I’m pushing myself much more than you ever could,” Aubrey admitted quietly. “I want to be with him. I actually crave being close to him, Gigi. I love being in his arms. I love the way he smells and the warmth of his skin. I literally get weak in the knees when he kisses me.”
“I think that’s wonderful that you feel this way but I’m sure Travis is okay with waiting if that’s what you need.”
“He is. He’s been really patient. I just…dammit, I’m just terrified.”
Admitting it didn’t make her feel any better, sadly. It only made her fear more three-dimensional as her intestines seemed to twist into a painful knot and sweat began to pool on the back of her neck. The mere thought of making love with Travis turned her into a mess of nerves.
“What are you afraid of? Pregnancy?” Gigi’s voice had dropped to a whisper as if she was afraid someone was listening on the line. “Are you on the pill or something? I can recommend a doctor if you aren’t.”
Running her damp palms on the fabric of her sundress, Aubrey took a deep calming breath. “I’m not afraid of an unplanned pregnancy, although as I told you that’s what stopped my self-destructive behavior in high school. My friend Debbie got pregnant and had to drop out. No, I’m on the pill and I have no reason to believe it wouldn’t work.”
“That’s good. So when it feels right, you’re ready. There’s no reason to push yourself into it, sis. You’ll know when it’s right. Until then, relax and just enjoy being courted and wooed. These Anderson men really know how to romance a girl.”
“I think there’s something wrong with me.”
She’d said it out loud.
“Can you be slightly more specific?”
“I–I really don’t enjoy it.” The words choked in her throat. “At all. I’m not sure what all the fuss is about.”
“Is that what all this drama is about? Aubrey, I’m not surprised. You had sex with groping, teenage boys. Men – good men, anyway – do things much differently. They actually care if you’re having a good time.”
“I don’t want to disappoint Travis. What if the problem is me?”
She was well aware she was trying Gigi’s patience. Logically Aubrey knew what Gigi said made sense, but this situation had very little to do with logic and everything to do with emotion.
“What if it isn’t? Trust me, there are a bunch of really selfish assholes out there who have no clue about the female anatomy. And don’t care to learn. Just answer me this…do you enjoy it when Travis kisses you?”
Oh hell yes.
“Of course I do.”
“Does the room get warm and your heart race?”
“How did you know that? Are you some sort of creepy Peeping Tom on my dates with Travis? Do I need to have a talk with West about you walking in your sleep perhaps?”
Gigi’s giggles filled Aubrey’s ear. “I know because that’s how I feel with West, and I can tell you from experience that if you feel that way it is not you. I’ve had some pretty crappy sex too. With the right guy? It’s great. The only thing you have to ask yourself is if Travis is the right man. Don’t let me, Travis, society, or anyone else push you into anything. It’s okay if you don’t want to have sex. It’s okay if you do but you want to wait. For later. For marriage. Whatever. It’s okay, sis.”
The only place pressure was coming from was from herself. She’d put herself in this predicament and only she could stop it.
“I want to. You know, when the time is right.”
“There you go. It will happen when it happens. In the meantime cut yourself some slack. Don’t have sex with him because you think you should or because you’re grateful that he didn’t think you were a slut. Neither one of those reasons are good ones. You’ll only regret it afterward and I think you already have enough sex issues without adding to them, don’t you think?”
Too many and it was time to do something about them.
“I want it to be right. I know that sounds childish.”
“You’ve closed off a very important part of yourself for a long time, sis, and it’s only natural that you want your return to it to be something special. It should be. If it’s not, then don’t do it.”
“You make sense. I’m putting a lot of pressure on myself for everything to be perfect.”
Aubrey heard Gigi’s sharp intake of breath. “Ohhhh, I get it now. You want it to be the deflowering you didn’t get in high school.”
Rolling over to her stomach, Aubrey buried her face in a pillow. “It’s so stupid. I’ve heard other women’s stories and I know it’s not puppies and unicorns most of the time, so I’m not sure why I’m so obsessed with making the first time with Travis so wonderful.”
“I’ll easily admit my first time was nothing to write home about.” Gigi laughed on the other end of the line. “The only thing positive I can really say is that it was over quickly, which was probably a blessing because it hurt like a bitch.”
Aubrey remembered her own first time vividly. “I wish my first time was for a better reason than wanting love and attention from some jerk.”
“Do you think my first time was much better?” Gigi scoffed. “Hell, I was pressured into it by my boyfriend who said that if I really loved him I’d put my mouth on his dick. It certainly wasn’t because I couldn’t help myself like with West.”
“I wished I’d waited until Travis. If I had then I wouldn’t be going through all this nonsense.”
More laughter. Aubrey was glad she could amuse Gigi with all her problems. “If you had waited then you’d be nervous about the unknown. Face it, sis. We’re damned if we do and damned if we don’t. If we have sex and enjoy it, we’re sluts. If we don’t have sex or enjoy it, then we’re repressed and something is wrong with us. We should just do whatever the hell we want and forget about everyone else.”
Gigi was absolutely right. Aubrey had been letting herself worry about other people for fa
r too long. “Did I mention that you’re the best big sister ever?”
“I’m always here for you, no matter what.”
“As much as I love Zach this probably isn’t something he could have helped me with,” Aubrey sighed, thinking about her adorable brother. He wasn’t a virgin by any means but he liked to pretend that she and Gigi were.
“If Zach could he’d put chastity belts on the two of us and castrate West and Travis. All of this definitely stays between us. Are you going to be okay now? I was serious about West and I flying down there if you need us.”
Big sister would save little sister at the drop of a hat, but Aubrey had been on her own for too long to allow that to happen.
“I’m fine. Travis is here and so is Shane. I’m as safe as a kitten.”
“I’m not sure any woman has used the words ‘safe’ and ‘Shane’ in the same sentence, but if you’re sure…”
The sound of Travis and Shane at the suite door made Aubrey hop off the bed. “They’re back. I want to hear what they learned from Martin. Can I call you later?”
“You better. Keep me in the loop.”
Aubrey rang off and stepped into the living room where the two men were already sitting on the couch, deep in conversation.
“What happened? What did he say?”
Travis tugged her down next to him and pressed a soft kiss on her temple. “I have a favor to ask you, baby.”
She’d climb Mount Everest for this man.
“Name it.”
“I’d like to treat you to a luxury day at the spa. All the trimmings. Manicure, pedicure, facial, massage, plus anything else we can find. What do you say?”
From the sly expression on his face this wasn’t just about treating her like a princess, but who was she to turn down a day of pampering?
“I’m in. Now tell me why I’m really doing this.”
Chapter Thirteen
“Have a seat and Mary will be right with you.”
Aubrey climbed into the pedicure chair, careful not to spill the glass of Chablis the spa staff had poured for her. Wrapped in a fluffy white robe and slippers, she’d spent most of the day being massaged and beautified. The only item left was a mani-pedi.