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Indecent Danger (Danger Incorporated Book 3) Page 11

  “And none of them meant a damn thing,” Shane declared, his tone brooking no argument. “Travis was playing the field but those women never had a chance. But when he met you? He fell hard, honey. If you don’t want him, please tell him now because he’s fixing to start planning a future with you. What Travis wants he usually gets.”

  “I do want him. Very much.” The conversation from the other night was running through her head. “He said something about how other women never saw the real him. That they didn’t want to.”

  “We’ve all had our share of women who only have their eye on the Anderson money. Travis probably more than most. I have a feeling you don’t care about all that.”

  She didn’t and she hoped Travis would always believe in her. She cared about him, not the money or the power.

  “Is that why you’re not married? Have you had one too many gold diggers in your life?”

  Something flickered across Shane’s expression but it was gone so quickly she thought she might have imagined it. “I love women, and if you get married they frown on continuing to date and sleep with other females.”

  There had to be at least one woman out there that had tempted this handsome man to give up his bachelor card. “Then you’ve never been in love? That’s kind of sad, Shane. Everyone should have love.”

  A muscle ticked in his jaw belying the carefree smile he wore on his face. “There are all different kinds of love, honey. Believe me, I don’t spend too many nights alone in my king-sized bed.”

  He was obfuscating the subject to keep from telling the truth, and not doing all that good of a job of it. “That’s not what I was talking about. Sex doesn’t count. I mean, has there ever been a woman that made you want to be with just her?”

  Shane was quiet, rubbing the back of his neck and looking off into the distance as if he was thinking about something or someone a long time ago, but then he shook his head. “No. There’s no one. And the world should rejoice about that. I’d be a lousy husband.” His phone chimed and he pulled it out of his pocket. “Travis. He’s heading to talk to Martin and he wants me to take another run at Iris. He saw her in the resort gift shop on his way to the penthouse. He thinks she might respond to a charming male who compliments her and buys her drinks. That is my specialty. Will you be okay here while we’re gone?”

  Why wouldn’t she? These Anderson boys worried way too much. She’d been taking care of herself for a long time.

  “I’ll be fine,” she assured him. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  Shane shoved the phone back in his pocket. “Monitor Travis’s emails for something from Jason. He and Jared are trying to track down who Iris is sending the money to every month.”

  Aubrey didn’t even want to know how Jason and Jared were doing that, but their computer skills had come in handy when West was hunting down Alan Morton.

  “Will do. I’ll send you a text if I get something. And Shane?” He paused with a hand on the doorknob. “Be careful. There is still a killer out there and we don’t know why he or she is doing this or who their next target is.”

  The usually smiling man’s expression turned serious. “That’s good advice, Bree. Deadbolt this door behind me and don’t let anyone but me or Travis in. Not for any reason. Got it?”

  She flipped the lock after he shut the door behind him and leaned back against it. Sighing loudly, she let her head fall back against the gleaming wood, her eyes closed as she replayed the events of the last few days. She didn’t think she was in any danger but she would be careful. She didn’t want to give Travis anything else to worry about. He already had the difficult job of clearing her name as a murder suspect.

  He was one hell of a man to stick beside her through all of this and she vowed to make it up to him when this was all over.

  Hopefully soon.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Travis settled into a chair opposite Martin and poured himself a cup of coffee from the carafe on the table. They were sitting outside on the patio again, the sky overcast with more menacing clouds rolling in for the afternoon. The humidity had risen to an uncomfortable level and not even the breeze coming off the Gulf could keep the sweat from gathering on Travis’s back, the cotton fabric clinging to the damp skin.

  “You’re wearing a troubled expression, my friend.” Martin pushed a tray of cookies toward Travis. From what Caroline had said when she let Travis into the suite, food was still being delivered all day long by the resort. “Do you want to tell me why?”

  Not knowing how to bring up the topic delicately, Travis simply decided to lay it all out on the table. He and Martin had never pussy-footed around one another. They had enough respect to be honest and this time needed to be no different.

  “I talked to Tom Lovell, Martin. He said he saw and heard you arguing with Bruce before the party.”

  Martin appraised him over the rim of his cup, his face devoid of any emotion. “That’s absolutely true. But then you can’t expect a conversation to be pleasant when you’re accusing someone of breaking the law. Bruce was angry and defensive and I didn’t hold onto my temper.” The older man leaned forward. “Is there a reason you’re bringing this up? If there is something you want to say, then say it.”

  “I can’t fucking help you if you aren’t truthful with me,” Travis growled. “I want to find the real killer but you being vague isn’t helping things.”

  “All you had to do was ask. Yes, Bruce and I argued. Of course we argued. We don’t like each other and haven’t since the first day I met him. You know as well as I do that I had motive for killing him. But I didn’t do it.”

  Stirring his coffee, Travis didn’t let up on the pressure. He needed to know it all. “Tom said you left the table to take a call but that your phone was dead or turned off. Where did you really go?”

  The formally emotionless expression Martin wore turned embarrassed, his cheeks ruddy as he rubbed his right temple. “Shit. Okay, yes, I lied about there being a phone call. I was meeting Bruce out on the beach to continue our conversation. When I threatened him with exposure he said that he would name his accomplice which I assumed was Iris Perry. Then we were interrupted so we agreed to meet on the beach during the party around eleven.”

  This was bad. What else had Martin lied about? Obviously Prather knew nothing about this or he would have already arrested Travis’s friend. “What did you talk about? Did you argue again? Was anyone else there?”

  Martin shrugged, his lips pressed tightly together so they were a thin line. “We didn’t talk about anything because he wasn’t there. I waited about ten minutes then went up to his room to find him. He wasn’t there either so I came back to the party. I didn’t see him again.”

  “Did you tell the police?”

  “Are you kidding?” Martin scoffed, his movements agitated at the suggestion. “If I told them they would have slapped the cuffs on me and tossed me behind bars. No, it’s better this way. Eventually they’ll move on from me and find who really did it.”

  For a man as smart as he was, Martin was incredibly naive.

  “I think you’re being overly optimistic. I’ve seen people who live under a cloud of suspicion for years and it ruins their lives. That’s why I won’t wait around for the police. I’m going to work my own investigation.” Travis clanged the spoon on the side of the cup. “Let’s not even mention what will happen if the cops find out you’re lying. They’ll make your life a misery, ripping it apart and exposing it to the public. No one can stand that kind of scrutiny. They and the press will make a meal out of every little thing you’ve ever said or done.”

  Wringing his hands together, Martin nodded, hopefully understanding what Travis was trying to tell him. This could get serious very quickly.

  “What can I do to help you?”

  “You said Bruce had a bookie. I need his name. He had more motive than anyone to do this.”

  “I don’t know but it’s probably in the file the investigator gave me.
It’s in the bedroom.”

  Martin rose and entered the suite, leaving Travis out on the patio. The sky had turned almost black and the distinct smell of rain was in the air. He also stood and went back inside as Alana was coming through the door, shopping bags in hand.

  “Travis! It’s so lovely to see you.” She dropped the bags on the couch and then reached up to kiss him on each cheek, European style. The aroma of expensive perfume assailed Travis’s nostrils and he had to take a step back to keep from coughing. “Where’s Martin?”

  As if on cue Martin joined them in the living room, a manila file folder under his arm. Without making a big deal about it he slipped it into Travis’s hand while greeting his wife with a kiss. “Looks like you’ve been busy, sweetheart. Did you have fun?”

  Alana waved her hand in the air, the nails perfectly manicured. Travis didn’t have a clue how she were able to do anything with long claws like that. Aubrey kept her nails fairly short with just a light pink polish that was barely noticeable. “It was fine. The stores here simply cannot compare to New York or Paris though. Tracy and I did have a nice lunch at a little bistro down the street. Are you big, handsome men talking business again?”

  “You caught us,” Travis smiled widely, glad she wasn’t asking too many questions. “You know how we are. We just can’t leave it at the office.”

  “I admire your dedication.” Alana placed her hand on her husband’s arm and gave him a big smile. “We should all have dinner together tonight. Caroline too if she’s up for it. We’ve been stuck in this hotel room for the last few days and getting out would be a good thing.”

  “I’ll have to talk to Aubrey and Shane. They may have already made plans.”

  Travis hoped they had. After the awkward discussion he’d had with Martin today they both needed some time away from each other.

  A knock on the suite door had Martin scowling at the interruption. “It’s like Grand Central in here. Whatever happened to calling first?”

  Travis didn’t bother to answer since he also hadn’t called first before showing up. Alana opened the door and Prather stood there flanked on either side by uniformed police officers.

  “Ma’am.” The detective nodded to Alana. “We’re here to see your granddaughter, Caroline Livingston, please.”

  Alana paused, swallowing hard before looking at Martin who waved the officers in the door. She stepped back and the three men strode into the room, Prather leading the way.

  “Is she here?”

  Martin shook his head, holding himself stiffly. “She’s not. She went for a walk to clear her head. I don’t know when she’ll be back.”

  “Do you mind if we wait?”

  Martin’s jaw tightened. “I do, actually. She could be gone for hours.”

  A ghost of a smile passed over Prather’s face. “Or five minutes. That’s fine. I’ll leave these two officers in the lobby. When she gets back to the hotel they can bring her down to the station. I thought she’d be more comfortable here…”

  Martin grunted and pulled his phone from his pocket. “I’ll try calling her.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Guinness. We do appreciate your cooperation. We have a few questions for you too, as a matter of fact. Perhaps we can chat while we’re waiting for your granddaughter to return.”

  Prather turned to Travis as Martin spoke softly in the phone. “I’m glad you’re here, Mr. Anderson. I was going to call you. It seems that several eyewitnesses place Ms. Grayson in the ballroom at the time of death. Good news, your girl is off the hook.”

  Travis had wanted to clear Aubrey’s name and it was a relief that her nightmare was over.

  But he hadn’t wanted suspicion to swing to anyone else he cared about.

  This case wasn’t over.

  * * *

  Shane stood in front of a display of stuffed teddy bears with the resort logo emblazoned in the tummy, acting as if he was a legitimate shopper. The real reason he was standing there, however, was it was the perfect vantage point to spy on Iris Perry as she thumbed through a rack of tie-dyed dresses. Travis had wanted him to take a shot at befriending her and see if she would talk. Shane had no doubt he could charm her into a drink, but from what Aubrey had said the woman was in deep denial about her boyfriend’s death. That didn’t bode well for extracting any helpful information.

  Shane was almost sure that she was eyeing him when he wasn’t looking directly at her, and he was definitely sure when she worked her way through the shop until she was right beside him. With a hidden chuckle, he grabbed two bears off of the shelf and held them up.

  “What do you think? The blue one or the brown one?” He gave her a dazzling smile that had melted the panties off of more women than he could count. Iris’s eyes widened in surprise, but then she smiled back and even fluttered her eyelashes. “It’s for my niece and I’m hopeless at choosing gifts. I’d appreciate your opinion.”

  Her hand reached up to smooth her auburn hair before it came to rest on the brown bear, mere inches from his own.

  “The brown definitely. So traditional but very adorable. How old is your niece, Mister…?”

  “Just call me Shane.” He leaned closer, invading her personal space slightly. When she didn’t pull back he knew he had her interest. “Abigail is five and I always promise to get her something from all my business trips.”

  He placed the blue bear back on the shelf, letting Iris hold the brown one. “What business are you in, Shane?”

  “Oil and mining,” he replied, knowing exactly the reaction he was likely to get and he wasn’t disappointed. Iris wet her lips, her hand dropping from the bear and landing on his arm.

  “That sounds very important. You must be a busy man so it’s sweet that you take time out to shop for your niece.”

  Shane shrugged and did his best imitation of an “aw shucks” grin. “I could have one of my assistants do it I guess, but it just wouldn’t be the same.” He nodded toward the bar across the lobby. “I do have a few minutes between meetings. I don’t suppose I could buy you a drink? You know what they say about drinking alone.”

  “It would be impolite not to join you,” she breathed, her voice husky. “Right now?”

  Absolutely right now while you’re entranced by my charm.

  “Just let me pay for this.” Shane pulled another brown bear from the shelf. “Let’s get one for you too. I think every pretty girl should get a new…toy.”

  Her cheeks turned pink and she giggled as he led the way to the cashier. This was almost too easy and he felt a little dirty as he paid for the two stuffed animals. Charming women out of their clothes had been a hobby since he’d turned fifteen and had his growth spurt to over six feet tall. But all the women in the world couldn’t fill the empty space inside of him.

  Only one woman could do that.

  The cashier bagged his purchase and he linked Iris’s arm with his own.

  “You’re a pretty smooth operator, Shane.”

  Iris didn’t look like she cared much if this wasn’t a grand passion or true love.

  “You’re not so bad yourself. Now let’s get that drink.”

  He led her through the lobby and straight to the bar. A few drinks and Iris Perry just might tell him something useful.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “I need you to go to New York City and talk to that bookie. I already called to have them ready the corporate jet.”

  Travis pulled Shane aside while Aubrey was chatting with her sister on the phone. She’d been elated at the news that she was no longer under suspicion but of course sad that Martin and Caroline weren’t out of the woods yet. As far as Travis was concerned Detective Prather wasn’t thinking globally enough. He was concentrating only on the guests at the party. Bruce had far more enemies than just those people.

  “I can do that,” Shane easily agreed. “I wouldn’t mind trying to talk to a few of Bruce’s business associates either. He had to have pissed off dozens over the years, what with his winnin
g personality and caring attitude. I’ll fly out tonight. Are you staying here in Florida or heading back to Tremont?”

  “Staying here for the time being. I hate to leave a friend when the shit has really hit the fan, if you know what I mean. I don’t know if I can help him but I want to try. Martin has done so many things for me all these years. I’d like to pay him back.”

  Even now Martin was demonstrating amazing grace under pressure. Travis was more impressed than ever with his mentor and friend. Martin could have pulled the billionaire card and brought in a phalanx of attorneys, but instead he’d stayed open and accessible. The man was a class act.

  “There’s only so much you can do, Trav. You can’t do the police’s job for them.”

  “I’m only trying to help. I’m aware that most police officers are underpaid and overworked. I don’t doubt that Prather wants the real killer, but his limited resources don’t allow him to look further than the small pool of suspects right here at the party. He doesn’t have the manpower to look elsewhere.”

  Shane tapped a note into his phone before shoving it back into his pocket. “Do you honestly believe the killer isn’t here this weekend? It’s a long shot. I agree with Prather on this one. Someone here had the best opportunity. The murderer is someone you know, maybe even someone you care about.”

  Travis glanced sideways, ensuring that Aubrey was still deep in conversation with Gigi. “Is this your not so subtle way of saying you think it might be Martin? I’ve known the man for over fifteen years and he’s no killer.”

  “All I’m saying is that it could be one of your friends here at the party. Someone you like and respect. You need to prepare yourself for that and not let your personal feelings blind you as we find out more information.”

  There needed to be a change in subject. Now.

  “Tell me what Iris said. Did you find out anything at all?”

  Shane’s brows shot up and he grinned like the cat that ate the canary. “She has a boyfriend. Another one. But she never said his name. I think he was the one she was talking about to Aubrey because she mentioned he was really good looking. She didn’t have a lot to say about Bruce.”